Wednesday, June 11, 2008


"Yes! A beer festival!", I shouted internally as I read the email from Andrea. After a quick reply, plans were made to attend Draft on Taft - an all-the-Budweiser-you-can-drink-for-$25 event that would take place just two blocks from my new place the following weekend.

After about 4 hours of heavy chugging, I allegedly approached one of the only other black folks there. Anyone who knows me knows that my memory is the first thing that goes when I'm drinking. I'm sure I was able to strike up a great, well probably just good, conversation with this dude. Good enough that he invited me to his place; good enough that I woke up the next morning on the living room floor at his place.

My dress was still on the next morning, thank you very much.

I recollect walking to the car with him after the festival and bits and pieces of the conversation we had back at his place. But other than that, he came into my life amidst much confusion.

And left the same way.

Tivo-forward (badoomp, badoomp, badoomp) a week and a half later. He's gone just as quickly as he arrived. There's as much confusion surrounding me now as there was the night we met.

We didn't see each other again until exactly a week after the fest and only exchanged a few texts and calls. But then we decided to make up for lost time by going on a date that lasted for 30 hours! No lie, email me for details if you're that interested. Out of 10 stars, I'd give the date 9.3. It involved things that usually don't come 'til much later, like meeting his fam and a bunch of his friends. Those 30 hours were some of the best I've had in awhile and he couldn't have been better company if he tried.

Half a week later, I get the following text.

"Hey...what's I have a lot going on right now. I enjoy talking and hanging out with you, but right now...I need to focus on a few things. I'm asking for time."

And that, my friends, is why I haven't dated in over 2 years! What the hell is that? The confusion I had about how we met comes no where near the confusion I have now. For the life of me, I honestly can not understand how a guy can (seem to?) be totally into you one day and then is "asking for time" the next.

The universe worked its magic and my Kismet randomly called shortly after I got the text. He was able to explain it from a man's point of view and I'm beginning to come out of the fog of bewilderment.

It'll take a day or two for the fog to completely lift. But when it does, the only confusion that better remain is about how to get back out there and do it all over again!