Saturday, December 1, 2007

Two is Greater than Zero

3 = Months
$14.99 = Total cost
2 = Dates booked

Two is greater than zero, but I was definitely expecting more dates than that from my experience.

My reason for trying "online dating" in the first place was pretty simple. Let's say you go "out"; if it's to a hip place, chances are you'll be surrounded by dozens of single men. But going from simply eyeing one to actually booking a date takes some work. So I figured subscribing to a dating site would make that particular part a little less cumbersome. You're still surrounded by dozens of single men, but at least you get to find out a lot more about them before deciding to put in the work to book a date.

This latest stint wasn't my first time searching for him online, but it'll probably be my last. Although meeting a guy this way is becoming increasingly common, I just can't see myself telling my grandkids the story of seeing their grandpa's profile for the first time!

Good luck to the online daters out there; I didn't find my match on match, but everyone's experience is different. In the meantime, I'm going back to doing it old school - eyeing a guy across the room, sauntering up next to him, grabbing his behind, and seeing what happens from there!