Tuesday, July 31, 2007


"Just dropin by showin some luv, u have a great life ..c-ya." My family and friends often stop to leave comments on my space, but this one blew me away. Specifically, "u have a great life." Great, are you freakin' kidding me? I just spent most of the evening moping around the living room, pissed at the world for giving me a sucky life! I've got bills that I don't feel like going online to pay. I've got a house that I own that I no longer want to live in. I've got a full-time job that begins again on Monday that I don't feel like preparing for. Surely you agree, this is a sucky, not great, life. Right?!

Gosh I'm so wrong.

Lamar didn't intentionally school me on perception this evening, but I'd love to thank him for doing just that. He probably reads my survey-type bulletins and scopes out the pictures I post. From those and the rest of my page, he guessed it...I have a great life.

Now it's time for me to start believing that too.